Blok, P.M., Magistri, F., Stachniss, C., Wang, H., Burridge, J., Guo, W., 2025. High-throughput 3D shape completion of potato tubers on a harvester. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 228, 109673.
Zhang, W., Peng, X., Bai, T., Wang, H., Takata, D., Guo, W., 2024. A UAV-Based Single-Lens Stereoscopic Photography Method for Phenotyping the Architecture Traits of Orchard Trees. Remote Sensing 16, 1570.
Wang, H., Tang, L., Nishida, E., Fukano, Y., Kato, Y., Guo, W., 2023. Drone-based harvest data prediction can reduce on-farm food loss and improve farmer income. Plant Phenomics 2023:5, 0086.
Drofova, I., Guo, W., Wang, H., Adamek, M., 2023. Use of scanning devices for object 3D reconstruction by photogrammetry and visualization in virtual reality. Bulletin EEI 12, 868–881.
Zhang, W., Peng, X., Cui, G., Wang, H., Takata, D., Guo, W.,2023. Tree Branch Skeleton Extraction from Drone-Based Photogrammetric Point Cloud. Drones 7, 65.
Zhao, L., Guo, W., Wang, J., Wang, H., Duan, Y., Wang, C., Wu, W., Shi, Y.,2021. An Efficient Method for Estimating Wheat Heading Dates Using UAV Images. Remote Sensing 13(16), 3067.
Dai, X., Ducey, M.J., Kershaw, J.A., Wang, H., 2021. Sector subsampling for basal area ratio estimation: an alternative to big BAF sampling. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 51(8), 1–9.
Hsu, Y.-H., Kershaw, J.A., Ducey, M.J., Yang, T.-R., Wang, H., 2021. Sampling with probability proportional to prediction (3P sampling) using covariates derived from spherical images. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 51(8), 1140-1147.
Wang, H., Duan, Y., Shi, Y., Kato, Y., Ninomiya, S., Guo, W., 2021. EasyIDP: A Python Package for Intermediate Data Processing in UAV-Based Plant Phenotyping. Remote Sensing 13(13), 2622.
Feldman, A., Wang, H., Fukano, Y., Kato, Y., Ninomiya, S., Guo, W., 2021. EasyDCP: An affordable, high‐throughput tool to measure plant phenotypic traits in 3D. Methods in Ecology Evolution 12(9), 1679–1686.
Dai, X., Ducey, M.J., Wang, H., Yang, T.-R., Hsu, Y.-H., Ogilvie, J., Kershaw, J.A., 2021. Biomass estimates derived from sector subsampling of 360° spherical images. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research 94(4), 565–575.
Wang, H., Yang, T.-R., Waldy, J., Kershaw, J.A., 2021. Estimating Individual Tree Heights DBHs from Vertically Displaced Spherical Image Pairs. Mathematical and Computational Forestry & Natural-Resource Sciences 13(1), 1-14.
Wang, H., Kershaw, J.A., Yang, T.-R., Hsu, Y.-H., Ma, X., Chen, Y., 2020. An Integrated System for Estimating Forest Basal Area from Spherical Images. Mathematical and Computational Forestry & Natural-Resource Sciences 12(0), 0–14.
Before 2020
Wang, H., Han, D., Mu, Y., Jiang, L., Yao, X., Bai, Y., Lu, Q., Wang, F., 2019. Landscape-level vegetation classification and fractional woody and herbaceous vegetation cover estimation over the dryland ecosystems by unmanned aerial vehicle platform. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 278, 107665.
Han, D., Wang, H., Zheng B., Wang, F., 2018. Vegetation type classification and fractional vegetation coverage estimation for an open elm (Ulmus pumila ) woodland ecosystem during a growing season based on an unmanned aerial vehicle platform coupled with decision tree algorithms (基于无人机和决策树算法的榆树疏林草原植被类型划分和覆盖度生长季动态估计). Acta Ecologica Sinica (生态学报) 38(18), 6655-6663.
Wang, H., Inoshishi S., Shimizu M., Kato T., Guo, W. Nov 6-8, 2024. Drone-Based Multi-spectral Pipeline for Detecting AbnormalPotato Strains in the Field (oral), The 14th Asia-Pacific Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture 2024 (APFITA2024), Tsukuba International Congress Center, Tsukuba, Japan
Wang, H., Blok M. P., Burridge J., Jiang T., Guo, W. May 19-23, 2024. 3DPotatoTwin: Paired 3D Dataset of Potato Tubers for Plant Phenotyping Applications (poster), The 6th CIGR International Conference 2024 (CIGR2024), Jeju International Convention Center (ICC JEJU), Jeju, Korea
Wang, H., Tang, L., Nishida, E., Fukano, Y., Kato, Y., Guo, W. Nov 10-15, 2023. Virtual Broccoli Farmland Implementation by Drone-based Phenotyping and Cross-scale Data Fusion (oral), The 10th International Horticulture Research Conference (IHRC2023), Guangzhou, China.
Wang, H., Tang, L., Nishida, E., Fukano, Y., Kato, Y., Guo, W. July 3-5, 2023. Virtual broccoli farmland by fusing close-range and aerial phenotyping (oral), Fifth International Workshop on Machine Learning for Cyber-Agricultural Systems (MLCAS2023), Sarabetsu Village, Hokkaido, Japan.
Wang, H., Tang, L., Nishida, E., Fukano, Y., Kato, Y., Guo, W. Sept 27-30, 2022. Estimate Optimal Harvest Time by Cross-scale Assimilated Digital Broccoli Farmland (poster), 7th International Plant Phenotyping Symposium: "Plant Phenotyping for a Sustainable Future", Wageningen, Netherlands.
Wang, H., Kato, Y., Guo, W. May 21-22, 2022. Procedural Geometric Modeling for Plant Phenomics by
Blender: Case Study of Maize (oral), Annual Conference of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Informatics 2022 (農業情報学会2022年次大会, JSAI2022), Kyoto, Japan.
Wang, H., Tang, L., Nishida, E., Fukano, Y., Kato, Y., Guo, W. July 20-22, 2021. Cost-efficient broccoli head phenotyping using aerial imagery and SfM-based weakly supervised learning (poster), The 8th International Horticulture Research Conference, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China.
Wang, H., Kato, Y., Guo, W., June 3-4, 2021. EasyIDP: A python package for intermediate data processing in UAV based plant phenotyping (poster), The 1th Research Meeting of Society of Trans-disciplinary Plant Sciences (超分野植物科学研究会第1回研究集会, TDPS2021), Zoom online, Tokyo, Japan.
Wang, H., Kato, Y., Guo, W., May 22, 2021. EasyIDP: A python package for intermediate data processing in UAV based plant phenotyping (poster), Annual Conference of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Informatics 2021 (農業情報学会2021年次大会, JSAI2021), Zoom online, Tokyo, Japan.
Feldman, A., Wang, H., Fukano, Y., Kato, Y., Ninomiya, S., Guo, W., February 24-27, 2020. Affordable high-throughput processing of handheld camera images of container plants to phenotypic data (poster), Phenome 2020, Tucson Convention Center, Tucson, Arizona, U.S.
Before 2020
Feldman, A., Wang, H., Fukano, Y., Guo, W., October 22-25, 2019. Affordable high-throughput processing of multi-scale images to phenotypic data (poster). The 6th International Plant Phenotyping Symposium, Nanjing Dongjiao State Guesthouse, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China.
Wang, H., Kershaw, J.A., June 23-25, 2019. Estimating Forest Attributes from Spherical Images (oral & poster). The Western Mensurationists 2019 Annual Meeting, Kamloops Hotel and Conf. Center, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada.
Wang, H., Kershaw, J.A., March 23, 2018. Measuring Plant Area Index (PAI) from panorama photo images (oral). The 25th Annual UNB Graduate Research Conference (GRC), Wu Conference Center, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.
Wang, H., Kershaw, J.A., November 5-7, 2017. Extracting DBH Measurements from RGB Photo Images (oral). The Northeastern Mensurationists 2017 Annual Meeting, The Inn at Saratoga. Saratoga Springs, New York, U.S.
Wang, H., Wang, F., Yao, X., Mu, Y., Bai, Y., Lu, Q., August 20-25, 2017. UAV-HiRAP: A novel method to improve landscape-level vegetation classification and coverage fraction estimation with unmanned aerial vehicle platform (oral). The 12th International Congress of Ecological (INTECOL), China National Convention Center, Beijing, China.
Wang, H., Guo, W., 2024. EasyIDP V2.0: An Intermediate Data Processing Package for Photogrammetry-Based Plant Phenotypin, in: Raval, M.S., Chaudhary, S., Adinarayana, J., Guo, W. (Eds.), Harnessing Data Science for Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management, Studies in Big Data. Springer Nature Singapore, Singapore, pp. 149–172.
王锋,韩东,王浩舟,卢琦,潘绪斌,一种基于无人机的景观尺度植被覆盖度的计算方法及系统:2019. CN 201610913357
David, E., Serouart, M., Smith, D., Madec, S., Velumani, K., Liu, S., Wang, X., Espinosa, F.P., Shafiee, S., Tahir, I.S.A., Tsujimoto, H., Nasuda, S., Zheng, B., Kichgessner, N., Aasen, H., Hund, A., Sadhegi-Tehran, P., Nagasawa, K., Ishikawa, G., Dandrifosse, S., Carlier, A., Mercatoris, B., Kuroki, K., Wang, H., Ishii, M., Badhon, M.A., Pozniak, C., LeBauer, D.S., Lilimo, M., Poland, J., Chapman, S., de Solan, B., Baret, F., Stavness, I., Guo, W., 2021. Global Wheat Head Dataset 2021: more diversity to improve the benchmarking of wheat head localization methods.
无人机高精度影像分析平台[简称: UAV-HiRAP] v3.0, 2019. 软著登字第 2019SR0286422.
无人机高精度影像分析平台[简称: UAV-HiRAP] v2.0, 2017. 软著登字第 2017SR558256.
无人机高精度影像分析平台[简称: UAV-HiRAP] v1.0, 2016. 软著登字第 2016SR198498.
Yaira 实测数据多维可视化软件[简称:Yaira] v1.0, 2016. 软著登字第 2016SR178462.